
Stainless Steel in Color
The Inox in Color

Stainless Steel in Color

The Inox in Color

The company The Inox in Color® is specialized in all kinds of stainless steels.
Their products are offered to architects, engineers and designers, many options for their projects and designs always faithful to their tastes depending on the aesthetic they choose.
The Inox in Color makes possible numerous polishes to the letter, color and textures.
Acid etched textures, polished, ... make your clients' projects and ideas easier. This company, versatile in application systems, offers its clients a variety of solutions, always counting on their needs or simply with their tastes.

Stainless Steel in Color


Ctra. C-16C, Km. 3,450
08272 Sant Fruitós de Bages
Tel: (+34) 93 876 01 15
41º 45' 41.292'' - 1º 52' 17.8248''


+34 93 827 24 86
C/ Doctor Antoni Vila, 53 08251 Santpedor (Barcelona)