
List of companies:

Companies in the Transport Business category

Below you will find companies recommended and sponsored by Net Engineer, related to the category "Transport Business":

J2 Servid, S.L.
Voidfillers to avoid movements in the goods
The system to protect merchandise consisting of a folding cardboard in the shape of a honeycomb to separate the loads is known as a voidfiller. Thanks to voidfiller, we will ensure that the loads do not move inside the palletized containers. We will fill the spaces between pallets to make the l ...
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Voidfillers to avoid movements in the goods
J2 Servid, S.L.
Merchandise Protection
J2 Servid is a company whose main objective is the security of its merchandise. They have been working in the sector for more than 25 years, always looking for different solutions in cargo protection and restraint systems. No matter what you send, count on J2 Servid to advise you on the best tr ...
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Merchandise Protection

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+34 93 827 24 86
C/ Doctor Antoni Vila, 53 08251 Santpedor (Barcelona)